It took a long time to decide if I even wanted to make the Positive Space Jacket pattern. Why?
STYLE: (2 STAR) I am not fond of the collar style or the raglan sleeve. But I saw the Poppy sample and decided I could make it without the collar.
FIT: (3.5 STAR) The reason I did get it was because of the overall fit of the Gorgeous Godet top. Finally, there is a pattern company designing with the mature figure in mind. This is the ONLY Jacket pattern available from Style Falcon. The bodice fit pretty well.
1) However, the SLEEVES (my eternal fitting problem) are difficult to adjust. My arms twist and the sleeve is giving me three draglines in front. The underarm of the sleeve is too low for me too. I am working on those issues and getting closer to a resolution. I wonder if a jacket pattern with a fit in sleeve from Style Falcon would be better for me.
2) My upper BACK is more rounded than the pattern allows for. I added upper back length adjustments, then had to compensate by subtracting length at the waist for swayback. Those adjustments are common for me and I must say that they were easier to adjust on this pattern than patterns from the big 4.
3) The Overall Jacket Front and Back SIZING is way better than I normally get from big 4 patterns.
I am GLAD I bought this pattern, even with the necessary adjustments. When I finish adjusting and changing the pattern to fit me, I will probably use it again.